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HealthInfo West Coast-Te Tai Poutini

Sexual health services for teens & young adults on the West Coast

couple in parkOn the West Coast, sexual health visits are free for young people. You can go as many times as you need. If you need to see a doctor for a sexual health matter, you can choose where you want to go:

If you're younger than 25, sexual health visits may be free. Ask if you're eligible when you make your appointment.

Visits to The Sexual Health Centre are free for everyone.

Sexual health

Sexual health includes contraception (including condoms), the emergency contraceptive pill, pregnancy tests, pregnancy care, discussion or requests for abortion (termination), period problems, concerns about sexually transmitted infections, genital problems (such as pain, soreness, discharge, and itching), questions or concerns about sex, sexual development, gender identity, and more. These free visits are available for both males and females and they're confidential (private to you).

How to have a free sexual health visit

  1. Ring your normal general practice clinic or The Sexual Health Centre to make an appointment. To get an appointment with Family Planning, you can phone, book online or visit a clinic.
  2. On the day of your appointment turn up and report to reception. You don't have to bring a parent or family member, but you're welcome to, or you can bring a friend.
  3. Discuss your problem or concern with the doctor or nurse.
  4. After the appointment, you don't have to pay on the way out. If you've been given a prescription (for example, for contraceptives), you need to take it to a chemist. There's a charge of around $5 for three to six months of contraception at the chemist. Some contraceptives cost more than $5, in which case your doctor will discuss this with you and help you decide what you can afford.

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Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed January 2021.

Page reference: 261544

Review key: HISIT-53216