HealthInfo West Coast-Te Tai Poutini
If you are underweight and struggling to put weight back on by eating normally, your general practice team or dietitian may suggest you have oral nutrition supplement drinks. You have the drinks on top of what you normally eat and drink.
These drinks are rich in the nutrients you need and will help you to have more calories. They are available as powders that you mix with water or milk, or as fluids that are ready to drink.
Several types of powdered drinks are available, and they come in different flavours. You can buy some at the supermarket and pharmacy (Complan, Vitaplan). You can get others (Ensure, Sustagen Hospital Formula) on prescription from your general practice team or dietitian. Talk to your general practice team or dietitian about what is best for you.
You can mix the powder with water or milk. Milk, especially dark-blue-top milk (whole milk), will give you more protein and calories. It is best to have the drink between meals, so you do not become too full at mealtimes.
Once the drink is mixed, you can have it straight away. You should cover any leftover drink and put it in the fridge and then use it within 24 hours.
Several types of ready-to-drink products are available, and they come in different flavours. You can buy them at a pharmacy.
You can buy some products (such as Fortijuce) directly from Nutricia (the supplier) online or by phoning 0800-255-025 (option 2).
Some products (such as Ensure Plus and Fortisip) may be available on prescription from your general practice team or dietitian.
Talk to your general practice team or dietitian about what is best for you.
HealthInfo recommends the following pages
If you have been prescribed an oral nutrition supplement, there might be times when you need to contact your supplier. This document has the oral nutrition supplement suppliers' contact details. It also has payment details in case you need to pay a part-charge for oral nutrition supplements that are not fully subsidised.
Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed February 2022.
Review key: HIMWA-28082