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Eating and lifestyle guidelines when pregnant and breastfeeding

Ngā arotakenga kainga me oranga mō ngā hapūtanga

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When you are pregnant, a healthy diet and lifestyle will help you cope with your pregnancy and give your pēpi (baby) the best start in life.

Eat regular meals and snacks

The easiest way to get all the nutrition you need is to have regular meals and snacks. Eat at regular mealtimes and have 2 to 3 small snacks between meals. This will help keep your energy levels up.

Eat a variety of foods each day

Have food from the 4 food groups every day.

Grain foods – mostly wholegrain and those naturally high in fibre

A serving is 1 medium slice of wholegrain bread, ½ to ¾ cup of breakfast cereal or ½ cup of cooked brown rice, pasta or noodles.

Vegetables and fruit

A serving is the size of the palm of your hand. Try to have many different colours of vegetables and fruit, as they all have different antioxidants and vitamins.

Milk and milk products

A serving is 1 cup (250 ml) of cow's milk or a calcium-enriched plant milk, ¾ cup (200 ml) of yoghurt or 2 slices (40 g) of cheese.

Lean meats, chicken, seafood, eggs, legumes, nuts and seeds

A serving is a piece of meat, chicken or fish (the size and thickness of the palm of your hand); 2 large eggs; ¾ cup of tofu, 1 cup of cooked dried beans, split peas or lentils or a small handful (30 g) of nuts or seeds.

You may need more or less from each food group depending on your pre-pregnancy weight. Talk about this with your dietitian or Lead maternity carer (LMC).

Drink plenty of fluids

Water and milk are the best choices when you are pregnant and breastfeeding. Aim for 9 to 10 cups of fluid each day. You will need more in hot weather, after activity, if you are vomiting or if you have diarrhoea or constipation. You may also need more if you are breastfeeding twins or triplets.

Cups of tea or coffee count towards your 9 to 10 cups. But having too much caffeine can affect your baby's growth. Have no more than 4 cups of tea or instant coffee (or 3 cups of plunger coffee) each day. Avoid energy drinks, as these are high in sugar as well as caffeine.

Some herbal teas may be harmful in pregnancy. Avoid these teas: aloe, buckthorn bark, chamomile, coltsfoot, comfrey, juniper berries and Labrador tea. Also, lobelia, pennyroyal, sassafras and senna leaves (alpine tea).

Be active

Regular activity is also important as long as your pregnancy is uncomplicated. Activities such as walking and swimming will maintain your fitness and make your pregnancy more enjoyable. Ask your LMC for a referral to a physiotherapist if you have back or ligament pain.

Avoid alcohol

Alcohol is not recommended during pregnancy as the full effects of alcohol on your pēpi baby are unknown. Alcohol, even in small amounts will enter your baby's bloodstream. So, whatever you drink, your pēpi will get too.

Avoid alcohol when you are breastfeeding, but having an occasional drink is usually safe. If you do have a drink, the Feed Safe app helps you to figure out when your breast milk will be free of alcohol. It also answers some common questions about alcohol and breastfeeding. It is free to download.

Be smokefree

Being smokefree is recommended as smoking during pregnancy can slow down your baby's growth and development.

Keep your food safe

Your immunity is lower during pregnancy, so you and your pēpi are more susceptible than usual to food-borne illnesses. Follow food safety practices such as washing your hands prior to handling food and cooking food thoroughly. Use cooked, prepared and canned foods stored in the fridge within 2 days.

  HealthInfo recommends the following pages

On the next page: Nutrients and supplements during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Written by Nutrition and Dietetics, Christchurch Women's Hospital. Adapted by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed November 2024.


See also:

Eating well when breastfeeding twins & triplets

Healthy weight gain in pregnancy

Nutrients and supplements during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Page reference: 952432

Review key: HIPRC-41255