HealthInfo West Coast-Te Tai Poutini
You can do a lot to help your anxious rangatahi (young person). Anxious rangatahi often have an anxious parent. If you also have anxiety, getting help for your own anxiety is a very important first step. It will help you teach your rangatahi to manage their anxiety in a healthy way.
It is important to understand how your rangatahi behaves when they are anxious. This is because different behaviours need different responses. Some rangatahi seek constant reassurance or show avoidance behaviour. You need to manage this differently than if they are angry and irritable. Some rangatahi will self-harm or even contemplate suicide. Whether they use drugs or alcohol can also change the approach needed.
Your rangatahi may be anxious about specific problems or events. Or they may worry about many things. You may know about these problems and be trying to help. Or you may not know how much these problems are affecting your rangatahi. It is common for parents to underestimate how anxious their rangatahi is.
Problems could include bullying or the death or illness of a family member or pet. They could also include not having many friends at school or a teacher who does not understand them well. Other problems could include learning difficulties, long-term health issues, relationship difficulties or stress.
Rangatahi are still learning the range of skills needed for coping with difficulties. They may not know how to explain their problems or how to ask for help.
Teaching your rangatahi coping strategies is very important. If your rangatahi seeks constant reassurance, they need to learn how to soothe and reassure themselves. The Anxiety Disorders Association of British Columbia (AnxietyBC) has many tools and plans. These can help rangatahi develop their own ways to cope with anxiety.
Rangatahi who become angry, defiant or show difficult behaviours need a different response. They need kind and consistent discipline, support and understanding. This is to address the anxiety at the heart of this behaviour. They need fair and consistent consequences and boundaries. These tell your rangatahi that the world is generally a predictable place that makes sense. Giving them a comforting sense of where they fit in will reduce their anxiety. The Australian Raising Children Network has tips and tools for behaviour management.
If you are concerned about alcohol or drugs as a complicating factor, you can seek further advice. There is advice about alcohol on this page and drugs on this page.
Getting the balance right at home is important for anxious rangatahi. Some of the basics of life might be out of balance and need adjusting.
These areas of life are important for young people to thrive:
Unfortunately, some rangatahi are exposed to violence, abuse or neglect. Anxiety can be the way they express their distress about this. If a rangatahi or young person might be at risk of harm or in danger, contact Oranga Tamariki (Ministry for Children) on 0508‑326‑459.
These resources may help you help your rangatahi with specific problems:
If your rangatahi is struggling with anxiety, they could try mindfulness or guided meditation. This internet-based programme can help rangatahi with anxiety.
A free mindfulness meditation developed especially for rangatahi. It is available as a web-based program or an app. It can help your rangatahi relax and learn to manage anxious thoughts.
Your rangatahi could also try box breathing to reduce anxiety.
Talk to your general practice team first. Reassure your rangatahi that it is confidential, and they can go with you or on their own if they prefer. If necessary, your general practice team can arrange more specialised assessment and treatment.
There are many options for young people with anxiety, depression or other mental health concerns. These include online, app-based and in-person counselling support. See Getting help with mental health in teens & young adults.
HealthInfo recommends the following videos
This animated video explains the ideas behind acceptance and commitment therapy.
Ways that parents can help their tamaiti (child) manage feelings of stress and anxiety.
HealthInfo recommends the following pages
Aunty Dee can help solve problems with issues like bullying, depression, drinking, grief and sex. The website is designed for young Pacific people, but it can help all rangatahi.
Information about anxiety in rangatahi, including how to recognise it and how to help.
Information written for rangatahi.
Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed May 2023. Last updated January 2024.
Review key: HIAXY-53690