Dry mouth
Waha maroke
If your body doesn't make enough saliva to wet (lubricate) the inside of your mouth, you'll get a dry mouth. This can cause problems with speech, taste, chewing and swallowing. It also increases your risk of developing tooth decay and getting mouth infections.
Symptoms of a dry mouth can include:
- difficulty chewing, swallowing or speaking
- thick or stringy saliva
- a feeling of sticky dryness in your mouth
- waking at night with your tongue stuck to the roof of your mouth
- a dry, rough sore tongue
- a burning sensation in your mouth
- mouth ulcers
- sore, cracked lips
- oral thrush (also called oral candida)
- difficulty or pain when wearing false teeth (dentures)
- changes in your taste
- bad breath.
Causes of a dry mouth
Many things can cause a dry mouth. These are some of the common causes.
Being unwell
Some auto-immune conditions, such as Sjögren's syndrome and Parkinson disease can cause a dry mouth. It can also be a symptom of HIV/Aids, diabetes and anxiety disorders.
Radiation therapy
People who have had radiation to their head and neck have a high risk of getting a dry mouth. This is partly because they produce less saliva.
Some drugs used in chemotherapy may make your saliva thick, so your mouth feels dry. This is usually temporary.
A dry mouth can be a side effect of many medications, including those used to treat depression, chronic (persistent) pain, allergies and high blood pressure.
Nerve damage
A head or neck injury or a stroke can damage the nerves of your salivary glands, which then do not produce enough saliva.
Other causes
Dehydration, smoking and age-related changes, such as menopause can cause a dry mouth.
Treating a dry mouth
- Sip water regularly, as this will help to keep your mouth fresh.
- Carry a bottle to sip water, sugar-free drinks or weak iced tea. A mix of water and glycerine might help.
- Avoid commercially prepared drinks, juices and energy drinks, as these are very acidic and can damage your teeth.
- Eat small amounts of soft, moist food (see the guidelines for a soft foods diet).
- Add extra gravy or sauces to your food to make it easier to swallow. Try instant packet sauces from the supermarket for a fast tasty sauce. Add extra liquid to thin the sauces if necessary.
- Choose foods that you do not need to chew much.
- Have small sips of water between mouthfuls of food.
- Have a water bottle or glass of water by your bed at night.
- Use a humidifier at night.
- See the ways to moisten your mouth below.
Foods you may need to avoid
Some foods make a dry mouth worse. Try to avoid them. They include:
- acidic fruits and vegetables such as citrus fruits, kiwifruit and fresh tomatoes
- spicy or salty foods such as curry, chilli and seasoned chips
- dry coarse foods such as toast, grainy breads and cereals, crackers, cakes, buns, muffins and scones
- sugary sweets and confectionery – a dry mouth makes tooth decay more likely.
Soften cereals and muesli by adding milk and leaving them to soak for a few minutes or mixing with yoghurt and leaving in the fridge overnight.
Ways to moisten your mouth
- Talk to your dentist, pharmacist or radiation team about a mouthwash that will be suitable.
- Brush your teeth with a fluoridated toothpaste.
- Gently floss and brush your teeth after meals.
- Make sure you see your dentist regularly.
- Chew sugar-free chewing gum, preferably containing xylitol. You can get this from a supermarket or pharmacy.
- Talk to your dentist or pharmacist about using oral lubricants such as GC Dry Mouth Gel or Biotene Oral Balance. You could also try coconut oil.
- Add one drop of peppermint essence to 100 ml of grapeseed oil and apply a drop or two to your mouth when it starts to get dry.
- Suck crushed ice.
You should also talk to your dentist about how to protect your teeth from the dental decay that often happens when you have a dry mouth.
Written by Nutrition and Dietetics, Canterbury DHB. Adapted by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed March 2022.
Page reference: 74891
Review key: HIDRY-74891