HealthInfo West Coast-Te Tai Poutini
Primary and intermediate school children (years 1 to 8) are seen in dental vans which visit schools and in local community dental clinics.
The free service operates during school terms, with schools letting parents know when the dental van will be visiting. If your child needs more complicated care or orthodontic treatment, the community dental service will arrange a referral to your family dentist or the Hospital Dental Service.
At the end of Year 8, the community dental service will transfer your Year 8 child to free adolescent dental care. This can be your family dentist if you choose. If your Year 8 child is allocated a dentist who isn't your family dentist, you can change this by contacting the Oral Health Coordinator on (03) 769-7710.
If you don't have family dentist, see this list of West Coast dentists and dental therapists providing free care for adolescents.
If you have questions about your child's dental care, you can contact the Community Dental Service by calling 0800-846-983 or (03) 769-7710.
HealthInfo recommends the following pages
Having healthy teeth and gums helps protect your smile and supports your overall health. It can also avoid the pain and cost of decay.
Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed October 2018.
Review key: HIDCC-49010