Whakawaikuratanga o te paeoro
Phone 111 for an ambulance if a tamaiti (child) with croup:
- becomes blue
- becomes pale or blue after a coughing spell
- has difficulty breathing
- has a change in their behaviour (for example, becomes drowsy, becomes agitated or delirious)
- has pauses in their breathing.
Croup is a common viral infection that narrows the upper airways. It is more common in pēpi (babies) over 6 months old and young tamariki (children) under 3, though older tamariki can also get it.
Symptoms of croup
Croup symptoms can last for several days, but they are usually worse at around 3 to 5 days. The symptoms are usually worse at night or when there is a sudden cold change in temperature.
Typical symptoms include:
- a loud, barking cough (sounding like a seal)
- a high-pitched whistling or rasping sound when breathing in
- fast or difficult breathing
- distress, anxiety and agitation
- pale or blue skin and lips
- a hoarse voice.
Your tamaiti may have other signs of a viral illness such as a sore throat, a fever a runny nose and red eyes.
Helping a child with croup
Having croup can be scary. Help your tamaiti stay calm. Reassure and comfort them as crying can make their symptoms worse.
Sit them upright. This makes it easier for them to breathe.
- If they have a fever or sore throat, give them paracetamol (Pamol). Follow the instructions on the packet for how much to give. Ask your pharmacist or general practice team if you are not sure.
- Encourage them to drink plenty of fluids. This can help to soothe their throat, as well as keeping them hydrated.
- Avoid any sudden changes in temperature.
- Do not put them in a steamy room. It does not help and increases the risk of an accidental burn.
- Do not give them cough medicines. They make the airways smaller by drying out the mucus (sputum or phlegm).
Getting help for your child with croup
Croup is not usually serious, and you can usually safely treat it at home. But croup can become serious quickly. Take your tamaiti to a doctor straight away if:
- they are getting worse
- they are not better after 48 hours
- you are worried or concerned about them.
Treating croup
As croup is caused by a virus, antibiotics do not help. In moderate to severe croup, steroids are sometimes prescribed to help reduce any swelling in your child’s airways.
HealthInfo recommends the following pages
Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed December 2024.
The information in this section comes from the following sources, some of which may be clinically complex or not available to the general public
KidsHealth – Croup. Retrieved April 2019.
Ministry of Health – Croup ( Retrieved April 2019.
NHS - Croup. Retrieved April 2019.
St John – Croup. Retrieved April 2019.
Image and embedded video sources
Image of a girl coughing from Adobe Stock Images (image ID 554269365). December 2024.
Page reference: 47572
Review key: HICRP-34398