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HealthInfo West Coast-Te Tai Poutini

Contraceptive implant

A contraceptive implant is made up of two small, flexible rods that are put under your skin and release small amounts of the hormone progestogen. The implant works by thickening the mucus in your cervix and may stop your ovaries releasing an egg.

The implant is very good at preventing pregnancy (99%) and lasts up to five years.

A trained GP or nurse puts in the implant using a local anaesthetic (numbing). You can have it removed at any time.

Your periods may become irregular or longer than usual. Particularly in the first six months.

See your GP to find out if it's right for you. If you're younger than 25, sexual health visits may be free. Ask if you're eligible when you make your appointment.

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Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed February 2019. Last updated July 2019.

Page reference: 603766

Review key: HICAS-53138