Community Māori health providers
Ngā kaiwhakarato hauora Māori ā Hāpori
Te Poutini Waiora
- Cervical and breast screening.
- Whānau Ora.
- Alcohol and drug counselling.
- Kaupapa Maori nurses and Kaiarataki – integrated family health service.
- Mother and pēpi.
- Tamariki Ora.
- Social services support.
- Budget Support.
- Children Witnessing Violence education programme.
- Parenting Through Separation support.
- Family Violence Response Coordination (Te Rito).
- Disability day programmes.
Contact details
Te Poutini Waiora website
Freephone: 0800‑333‑170
Phone: (03) 755‑6572
Head Office: 12 Revell St, Hokitika
Greymouth Office: 62 Shakespeare St, Greymouth
Westport Office: 98 Brougham St, Westport
Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed February 2021.
Page reference: 202569
Review key: HIMAH-74912