HealthInfo West Coast-Te Tai Poutini
Brief intervention counsellors (BIC) are registered mental health professionals from a variety of backgrounds, who have had specific training as brief intervention counsellors and coordinators.
A BIC can help you with low mood, anxiety, alcohol or substance abuse, and other mental health issues.
There is no charge to see a BIC, but you must first get a referral from a GP (you don't need this if you are aged from 12 to 18, you can make an appointment yourself). If you meet the criteria for referral you can receive up to five funded therapy sessions with a BIC in your area.
The BIC can give you therapy, advice and assessment. They can also refer you to other agencies once their sessions have finished. They will probably see you at your GP's clinic or at the West Coast PHO office in Greymouth.
You may have to wait a few weeks before a BIC can see you. If you need more urgent help, you can call 0800‑757‑678.
To see if you qualify for the funded sessions, your GP may ask you to fill in a short questionnaire and use this to work out a score. If your score is lower than the level needed for a referral to a BIC, your GP will recommend other options for counselling. Your GP will also suggest community agencies that may be able to offer you support.
HealthInfo recommends the following pages
Information about talking therapy and the types of situations where talking therapy might help. Includes a video discussing talking therapy.
Information provided by the Canterbury DHB. Last reviewed May 2016.
Review key: HIHMI-138165