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HealthInfo West Coast-Te Tai Poutini

Considering adoption

Whai whakaaro ana ki te whāngai tamariki

Deciding to place your tamaiti (child) for adoption or adopting a tamaiti are huge decisions. As well as getting good personal support, it is important to understand what will happen and what all your options are.

Most adoptions in Aotearoa New Zealand are open adoptions. This means that birth parents and adoptive parents keep in contact. In many cases, birth parents continue to have a part in the child's life if everyone agrees that is best.

If you are considering having your pēpi (baby) or tamaiti adopted, see Placing your child for adoption.

If you are considering adopting a pēpi or tamaiti, see Adopting in NZ.

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Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed November 2024.


Page reference: 53175

Review key: HIPRC-41255