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HealthInfo Waitaha Canterbury


Whakamātaunga ornga pūkahukahu

Man with a nose clip, blowing into a tube for a spirometry testA spirometry test measures how well your lungs are working.

During the test, you will be asked to breathe into a tube connected to a machine. You will be asked to breath out hard and fast and to keep breathing out for as long as you can.

You will need to repeat this 3 times to get an accurate recording.

Sometimes, you will be asked to repeat the test after having an inhaler.

There are many places in Canterbury where your doctor can send you for a spirometry test. These include community medical centres. The Christchurch Hospital respiratory physiology laboratory also does spirometry testing.

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Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed October 2024.


Page reference: 47768

Review key: HISPI-15604