Poor appetite in palliative care
Hiakai koe ki te manaakitanga whakamaene
When you lose your appetite, you stop being hungry and you do not want to eat. It is different from nausea, which means you want to eat but feel sick or that you want to throw up.
Several diseases, especially cancer, can make you lose your appetite. It can be as a result of other symptoms such as pain, nausea, constipation and fatigue. It can be caused by mouth problems or by depression or anxiety.
Eating well will probably not change the course of your illness, but it may help you feel better, give you more energy, and improve your quality of life.
If you have lost your appetite, talk to your healthcare professional about it. It may just be that you are feeling too tired or fed up to bother eating much. Your healthcare professional may have some suggestions that will help you.
How to overcome a poor appetite
There are several tricks that can help you to get your appetite back and eat more.
Food preparation
- Serve food on a smaller plate, use smaller utensils (such as a teaspoon) and eat smaller portions. You can always have extra if you are still hungry.
- If possible, get someone else to prepare and cook your food.
- Avoid foods with strong smells.
- If you have a metallic taste in your mouth, try using plastic utensils.
Mouth care
Keep your mouth fresh and clean before and after meals.
Try not to focus too much on eating and having to eat.
- Watching TV, reading or listening to music at mealtimes may help.
- Eat with family or friends when possible.
- Even if you are not hungry, try to keep drinking.
- Try using a straw for drinks.
- If you usually enjoy alcohol, a small drink half an hour before meals can help your appetite and is safe to take with pain relief.
The important thing to remember is to try not to think too much about what you eat. If you feel like eating something, have it. Do not be disappointed if something works one day and not the next, as this is common. Be flexible and make eating as enjoyable as possible.
What to eat and when to eat
There are no rules about what to eat and when, but try some of the following tips:
- eat little and often, because being hungry could make your other symptoms worse
- eat when you feel hungry, even if it is not a mealtime
- eat in the morning when your appetite may be better
- choose foods you can easily digest, such as soup, eggs, milk puddings, crackers, stewed fruit, mashed vegetables with gravy, and macaroni cheese
- try foods with different tastes (salty, sour, sweet), textures (smooth, crunchy) and temperatures (cold, warm, hot)
- if you usually follow a low-fat or diabetes diet, or other special diet, it is now more important that you eat what you enjoy, even if it is something you previously avoided. Talk with your nurse about this if you are not sure
- keep a variety of snacks handy so there is something tasty available whenever you are hungry.
Quick and easy snack suggestions
Sweet: breakfast cereal, fruit (fresh, dried or canned), puddings (custard, yoghurt or dairy food), ice blocks, ice cream, frozen yoghurt, fruit juice, jelly, milk or flavoured milk.
Savoury: crackers and cheese, dips or peanut butter, eggs (boiled, poached or scrambled), nuts, pizza, popcorn, soup, sandwiches or toast, pita bread, vegetable juice.
You can find more ideas on How to overcome a poor appetite.
HealthInfo recommends the following pages
Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed October 2024.
The information in this section comes from the following sources, some of which may be clinically complex or not available to the general public
Canterbury Community HealthPathways – Cough in palliative care, retrieved December 2016.
Canterbury Community HealthPathways – Dyspnoea in palliative care, retrieved December 2016.
Canterbury Community HealthPathways – Pruritus (itch) in palliative care, retrieved December 2016.
Canterbury Community HealthPathways – Weakness and fatigue in palliative care, retrieved December 2016.
Canterbury DHB – Palliative care guidelines (http://cdhb.palliativecare.org.nz/4207.htm), retrieved August 2016.
Nurse Maude – Symptom management, retrieved December 2016.
Palliative Care Australia – Facts about morphine and other opioid medicines in palliative care, retrieved February 2017.
Palliative Care Australia – Learn more about pain and pain management, retrieved February 2017.
South Island Alliance – Health of older people useful resources (https://www.sialliance.health.nz/programmes/health-of-older-people/useful-resources/), retrieved September 2022.
UpToDate – Managing pain when you have cancer, retrieved February 2017.
Image and embedded video sources
Image of a car driving towards snow-capped mountains from mychillybin (image ID 100128_358). November 2016.
Image of a carer helping an elderly woman from Shutterstock (image ID 71309584). November 2016.
Image of a child ill in bed playing cards from Shutterstock (image ID 222626227). November 1016.
Image of a confused elderly man in bed being comforted from Shutterstock (image ID 1897170943). November 2022.
Image of a couple driving a car from Shutterstock (image ID 174939050). November 2016.
Image of a cup of lemon and ginger drink from Shutterstock (image ID 262006217). November 2016.
Image of a glass or water and pills from Shutterstock (image ID 176139605). March 2017.
Image of a nauseous woman from Shutterstock (image ID 174166217). November 2017.
Image of a person counting out pills into their hand from Shutterstock (image ID 251002813). November 2016.
Image of a person peeling oranges from Shutterstock (image ID 404915464). February 2017.
Image of a sick person lying in bed with their mouth open from Shutterstock (image ID 553734718). February 2017.
Image of a woman eating an apple from Shutterstock (image ID 173814083). February 2017.
Image of a woman looking at a pill and holding a glass of water from Shutterstock (image ID 145621765). November 2016.
Image of a woman lying back holding a cushion from Shutterstock (image ID 313042859). February 2017.
Image of a woman using a nasal spray from Shutterstock (image ID 342285080). October 2016.
Image of a woman who doesn't feel like eating from Shutterstock (image ID 151886909). February 2017.
Image of an elderly breathless woman leaning on a tree from Shutterstock (image ID 181672562). February 2017.
Image of an elderly man blowing bubbles with a child from Shutterstock (image ID 305524514). November 2016.
Image of an ill woman lying in bed from Shutterstock (image ID 319248689), February 2017.
Image of someone pouring medicine from Shutterstock (image ID 550073806). February 2017.
Image of someone putting cream on their hands from Shutterstock (image ID 193623662). February 2017.
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