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HealthInfo Piki Te Ora Southern



Nursing roles and responsibilities are always changing to make sure people get high-quality care and better health. The kind of job a nurse does depends on their level of training, qualifications and expertise.

What nurses do

Registered nurses

Most nurses in New Zealand are registered nurses (RNs). They work independently as well as with other medical professionals. They:

Practice nurses

Practice nurses are registered nurses who work in your general practice or health centre. They work in your community to plan nursing care and deliver treatment. They can also provide you and your whānau (family) with health education.

Clinical nurse specialists

Clinical nurse specialists (CNSs) are expert nurses with special skills and knowledge in one clinical area. They usually have many years of experience and are often the main person you will talk to. They provide:

Clinical nurse specialists can prescribe some medications for conditions in their clinical area.

Nurse practitioners

Nurse practitioners are highly skilled registered nurses with advanced education and clinical training. Nurse practitioners work in hospitals and the community. You may see a nurse practitioner instead of a GP. A nurse practitioner can refer you to a specialist and consult with a GP if necessary.

Nurse practitioners can prescribe some medications.

This video by the Ministry of Health’s acting Chief Nursing Officer Dr Jill Clendon tells you more about what a nurse practitioner does.

District nurses

District nurses (DNs) are registered nurses who work in the community. They:

Plunket nurses

Plunket nurses are registered nurses with extra professional qualifications. They work with whānau with tamariki (children) up to the age of 5 to promote health and prevent illnesses.

Public health nurses

Public health nurses are based in the community. They have a broad range of roles supporting tamariki, rangatahi (young people) and their whānau. They visit schools and homes, providing support, education and connection to the health system. They are also involved in community vaccination programmes.

School nurses

School nurses provide on-site and free healthcare to students in secondary schools. They are experienced in all areas of youth health. This includes emotional wellbeing, physical and sexual health.

Enrolled nurses

Enrolled nurses (ENs) work in your community, homes and hospitals. They are supervised by a registered nurse or nurse practitioner. They:


Anyone working as a nurse in New Zealand must:

To renew their certificate every year, a nurse must prove:

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Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed September 2024.


Page reference: 655307

Review key: HISNY-105442