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Constipation in palliative care

Kōroke ki te taikitanga whakamaene

Constipation is a common problem for people with cancer and other long-term diseases.

Constipation means passing hard or painful bowel motions (poos) or going to the toilet less often than usual to empty your bowels.

It can cause pain and discomfort. If we do not manage it well, it can also cause nausea and vomiting, difficulty passing urine (weeing or peeing) or a bowel blockage. Constipation can also cause anxiety and confusion.

Everyone has different bowel habits, so constipation is an individual thing. Remember, if you are eating less, it does not necessarily mean you will pass bowel motions (poos) less often. If you become uncomfortable or are at all concerned, tell your doctor or nurse straight away, as it is much easier to deal with it is treated early.

Causes of constipation

Several things can cause constipation. They include:

Self-care for constipation

If you are constipated, there are several things you can do yourself to make it better.

You can find more ideas to help yourself in Self-care for constipation.

Getting help for constipation

Your doctor or nurse practitioner may be able to prescribe something to help or change your medication if that is causing your constipation.

They may prescribe laxatives. Laxatives are medicines that help you pass bowel motions more easily and regularly. Almost everyone who is taking opioid pain relief such as morphine needs to take laxatives.

You can take some laxatives as oral medicines (meaning you swallow them). Sometimes they are given as a suppository (these are inserted in your bottom, usually by a community nurse).

You can find out more information about laxatives on Medicines for constipation. But note that bulk-forming laxatives usually are not used in palliative care.

Tell your nurse or doctor if your bowels have not moved for 3 days, if you are in any discomfort or if you get diarrhoea after being constipated for a while.

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Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed October 2024.


Page reference: 321002

Review key: HIPAL-17434