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Planning a funeral or memorial

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Funerals and memorial services play an important role in the grieving process and acknowledging the reality of death.

They are an occasion to say goodbye and celebrate the life of the person who has died. They bring whānau (family) and friends together to express their grief and support the bereaved.

Planning a funeral or memorial in advance

Planning a funeral in advance gives everyone the opportunity to contribute their ideas and wishes. This includes the dying person. If you have discussed this previously or if the dying person has written an advance care plan, you may already know their wishes.

The recommended pages below have information to help you plan a funeral or memorial.

Funeral directors

Many people use a funeral director to help them make all the necessary arrangements. To find a funeral director, you might like to ask whānau and friends for recommendations.

It can be helpful to ring a few to find out prices and services offered. This national list of funeral directors might help.

You can read more about what funeral directors do and information about funeral costs.

Natural burial options

Many funeral directors offer natural burial options. Natural burial principles allow our bodies to return to the earth with minimal environmental impact. Bodies are buried in conditions that encourage speedy decomposition and the regeneration of natural forest above the graves.

Natural burials generally follow these guidelines:

The area can be planted with native trees and shrubs a few months after the burial.

Some funeral directors offer environmental embalming options that use plant-based solutions. They are only effective for a short time, so it is recommended that funerals take place within 3 to 5 days. Eco-friendly caskets can be a good option. They include natural pine sourced from sustainably grown plantations, hand woven willow and biodegradable wool with an organic cotton lining. These caskets are certified for use in natural burial sites.

Arranging things yourself

You do not have to use a funeral director. If you decide to make your own arrangements, you need to plan ahead, as you need to know how to care for the tūpāpaku (body). There are also legal requirements such as registering the death.

For information about burials or interments, you can contact the Christchurch City Council or look on its website. It is also possible to arrange a private cremation.

Two useful websites are DIY Funeral and Cremation New Zealand.

Funerals can be expensive. Consumer NZ has information about funeral costs including ways to cut costs.

Community Law's Funerals and tangihanga page may also help you with the process.

  HealthInfo recommends the following pages

On the next page: After someone you love has died

Written by Te Whatu Ora Waitaha Canterbury end of life care and bereavement group and Nurse Maude Hospice. Adapted by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed July 2024.


Page reference: 1459681

Review key: HIWSD-76097