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HealthInfo Piki Te Ora Southern


Ngā tākuta

GPs (general practitioners) are doctors who look after the health of people in the community. They work with people of all ages and have a broad range of medical knowledge on different health conditions.

They mostly work at general practices. But they also work in after-hours clinics, providing 24-hour medical care.

What GPs do

Your GP can get to know you and your whānau (family) over time and help to look after your health needs.

GPs are part of the community medical team who work together to look after you and your family's wellbeing. Other members of the community medical team include dietitians, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, podiatrists, practice nurses, pharmacists and optometrists.

Finding a GP

If you need help finding a general practice near you, you can find one here.

Qualifications and training

Doctors in New Zealand must complete a 6-year medical degree. After graduation, they must work for another 2 years to gain further training in hospitals and the community.

GPs must also complete a 3-year training programme in general practice. After completing the training programme and exams, they gain the Fellowship of the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners qualification.

GPs from overseas must have an international postgraduate medical qualification in general practice that is recognised by the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners.

Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed September 2024.


See also:

General practice teams

Preparing for your doctor's visit

Page reference: 1014154

Review key: HIGPS-132164