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HealthInfo Waitaha Canterbury

Seeing another general practice team

Te kite i tētahi atu tākuta

Your general practice team may refer you to another general practice. You may wonder why this is happening.

Some general practice teams have particular knowledge of and experience in special health procedures. Removing skin lesions is one example. Other general practice teams are experienced in particular conditions. These include severe acne and some women's health conditions. Often that expertise is not offered within the public hospital system.

Your general practice team is referring you to one of these general practice teams. The alternative would be for you to pay for an appointment with a private specialist.

Seeing another general practice team for a special health procedure

Procedures you might see another general practice teams about include:


The other general practice team will only see you for the issue you have been referred for. For most issues, they will only see you once. After they have treated you, they will send a letter to your own general practice team. This will outline any tests you have had. This means your usual general practice team can continue treating you.


You will have to pay a fee for the consultation with the other general practice team. It may be subsidised so the fee is small, or you may have to pay the full charge. Ask your general practice team what you will have to pay.

Next steps

If you need follow-up (such as wound dressing), your usual general practice team will do this. Your usual general practice team will also tell you the results of any tests.

Seeing another general practice team about a particular condition


You may visit the general practice team about a particular condition several times. But this will only be for the specific condition your doctor has referred you for.


You will have to pay a fee for these consultations. Your first appointment may be longer than usual so may cost more.

Next steps

When they have finished treating you, they will send a letter to your own general practice team. This will outline any tests you have had and any medications they have prescribed. This is so your own general practice team can continue to treat you.

If you need further treatment, your own general practice team will arrange this.

Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed September 2024.


Page reference: 182579

Review key: HIGPS-132164