HealthInfo Waitaha Canterbury
All babies in New Zealand must be registered with Births, Deaths and Marriages, which is part of the Department of Internal Affairs.
From four to six weeks after the birth, your care will move from your midwife to a Well Child Tamariki Ora nurse. Your midwife will tell you about the Well Child Tamariki Ora services in your area and help you to enrol with the one that is right for you. It’s your choice which one you enrol with.
Your baby will also be enrolled in a variety of free health services detailed in this document.
If you do not want to enrol your child in one or any of these services, contact LinKIDS on 0800-555-121 once your child is born. You can decline enrolment in these services at any time after your child is born.
HealthInfo recommends the following pages
You must notify the Births, Deaths and Marriages section of the Department of Internal Affairs about a child born in New Zealand as soon as reasonably possible after the birth (usually within two months).
A birth certificate is an official document containing registered information about a person's birth.
This interactive website helps you to get the information and services you need to help you and your baby.
Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed February 2022.
Review key: HIENB-439053