HealthInfo Waitaha Canterbury
You can help tamariki (children) with ADHD to manage themselves better and improve their behaviour in a variety of ways.
All of these things can help:
You and your tamaiti (child) may need help with coping with the challenges of ADHD. Read Support for Parents for a list of organisations that can help.
Living with ADHD tamariki can cause real stress in whānau (families). Read more about how families can get help with managing ADHD.
The Christchurch ADHD & Neuro-Diversity Parent Support Group has been set up specifically for parents to share their experiences and ideas, and to gain support from each other. If you're a parent of a tamaiti (child) with ADHD, you can make contact or join its Facebook group.
Keep in touch with the school your tamaiti child attends and let them know of any changes in behaviour or medication. A home-to–school notebook can help with this.
Talk to the school about getting assistance from the Ministry of Education’s Special Education Service to help your tamaiti with classroom behaviour and learning needs.
You may be able to get the disability allowance benefit to help.
HealthInfo recommends the following pages
This US site has more information for tamariki and adults with attention-deficit disorder.
On the next page: Medications for ADHD
Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed November 2021.
Review key: HIADH-15144