Self-care for asthma
Tāu ake whakaora i mate huangō
There are several ways you can help keep your asthma under good control.
HealthInfo recommends the following pages
Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed October 2024.
The information in this section comes from the following sources, some of which may be clinically complex or not available to the general public
Asthma UK. Retrieved September 2016.
Asthma and Respiratory Foundation NZ. Retrieved September 2016.
Asthma and Respiratory Foundation NZ – Asthma first aid. Retrieved April 2019.
Asthma New Zealand – What to do in an emergency. Retrieved November 2016.
Canterbury Community HealthPathways – Asthma in adults. Retrieved February 2017.
Mayo Clinic – Asthma. Retrieved September 2016. – Asthma. Retrieved September 2016.
Image and embedded video sources
Illustration of normal and asthmatic airways from Shutterstock (image ID 74586247). March 2021.
Image of a child using an inhaler and mask provided by Apex Medical. April 2016.
Image of a man holding an asthma reliever and spacer with a woman helping him from iStock (image ID 474850302). March 2017.
Image of a man walking next to the sea from mychillybin (image ID 103494_262). January 2016.
Image of a woman blowing into a peak flow meter from Shutterstock (image ID 173834168). May 2017.
Image of a woman having problems breathing on a beach from Shutterstock (image ID 184528427). May 2017.
Page reference: 37429
Review key: HIASA-39947