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HealthInfo Waitaha Canterbury

Information for health professionals

He mōhiohio mā ngā kaimahi hauora ngaio

Health professionals in Canterbury can order HealthInfo business cards to hand out to patients. Go to the Community & Public Health website to order HealthInfo cards. If you want to order more than 100 HealthInfo cards, download this order form. Then follow the instructions on the form to place your order.

You can print the following two posters yourself and display them in your waiting room or staff room:

A QR code directing people to

HealthInfo has been developed for people to find useful locally approved health information. Types of information include wellbeing, health conditions, diagnosis, treatment and referral options. This site is designed to empower people to find out more about their diagnosed health conditions. It also aims to help them understand how the health system works.

The website has information about a wide range of health conditions. It has descriptions of local health services and support organisations. It also has links to local, New Zealand and international health and wellbeing information. It is intended to supplement the information that people receive from their general practice team or other healthcare provider.

The HealthInfo content development process

HealthInfo is developed by a team of clinical advisers. They consult with local doctors, nurses and allied health professionals. The development team aims to get consensus on the preferred patient information included on the site from local health professionals, particularly general practice teams and those in Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand.

Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed April 2024.

In this section

Contributor guidelines

HealthInfo content strategy

HealthInfo review process

Tips for using HealthInfo for health professionals

Page reference: 148325

Review key: HIIHP-148325