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HealthInfo Waitaha Canterbury


pregnancy-consultation-502225408 Infertility is usually defined as not becoming pregnant (conceiving) after one year of trying.

Fertility problems are common – more than a quarter of New Zealand couples (26%) have problems getting pregnant at some point in their lives.

Fertility New Zealand's Be fertility fit section includes information on how your age and weight, alcohol and smoking, and when you have sex can all affect your fertility. You cannot change your age, but you may be able to make some lifestyle changes to increase your chances of getting pregnant.

Sexual Wellbeing Aotearoa's page on Fertility awareness outlines how women can identify the fertile time of their menstrual cycle. The pamphlet Trying to get pregnant explains how common infertility is, its causes and what treatment and help are available.

If you're concerned about infertility, see your doctor. Your GP may do some tests, such as:

If you need a specialist fertility assessment, this may be publicly funded if you meet certain criteria. You will need to be referred by your GP. The assessment may be at Christchurch Women's Hospital or Fertility Associates.

If you do not meet these criteria, you may choose to pay privately for an assessment.

  HealthInfo recommends the following pages

Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed September 2021.

See also:

Planning a pregnancy


Page reference: 65532

Review key: HIFER-16204