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HealthInfo Waitaha Canterbury

Getting back into work or study (Here Toitū)

Hoki atu ana ki te mahi, te ako rānei

Health navigator helping back to workGetting back into work or study can seem overwhelming. You may have lost some confidence or you may be unsure of what work you can do.

Work or study can benefit your health and wellbeing. It can provide structure and social connection and can motivate you to build new skills.

There is a programme in Canterbury that can help you find meaningful work or study. The service is free if you meet the criteria to join the programme.

Here Toitū

Here Toitū is a support service to help you recognise your potential, get well and find meaningful work.

A kaimanaaki (Healthify He Puna Wairoa) will work closely with you to help you set goals and aspirations. Whether it's for your health, wellbeing, learning, earning or help to find work, Here Toitū will be there to help. Your kaimanaaki will help you:

Your kaimanaaki will have weekly contact with you for the first six to 12 weeks. They can also provide support for up to 12 months, including when you start work. Your kaimanaaki will:

You can take part in Here Toitū if you're:

Talk to your general practice team or the Here Toitū team to see if you're eligible.

Contact Here Toitū


Phone: 0508-437-386 (freephone) or (03) 353‑7890

Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed December 2022.


Page reference: 643283

Review key: HIBWS-643283