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HealthInfo Waitaha Canterbury


Ngā takahanga

Falls are a common cause of injury, hospital admission and even death in people of all ages, but especially in older people. Falls can cause major disability, loss of independence and can make people feel isolated.

Risk factors for falls

Your risk of falling increases as you get older, but you may also be at risk if you:

If you have had a fall

Falling can be frightening. If it happens when you're alone, you could find it difficult to get back up again.

The video below shows you how to get up off the floor.

Talk to your general practice team if you're worried about falling or if you've had a fall so they can check why you might have fallen.

You may want to consider getting a personal medical alarm so if you fall again, you can easily call for help.

  HealthInfo recommends the following pages

  HealthInfo recommends the following apps

On the next page: Reducing your risk of falling

Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed October 2022.


See also:

Disability aids

Page reference: 48264

Review key: HIFAL-31777