Mask fitting for CPAP therapy
Whakarite kanohi kē mō te whakarauoratanga CPAP
This information is a general guide. Make sure you read the instructions that came with your mask, as each model is slightly different and has specific instructions. You'll also find helpful hints and guidelines on the manufacturer's website.
Fitting a full-face mask – general guide
- Unclip the mask on one side only (usually the lower clip only).
- Put the mask on your face, placing it on your chin and rolling it onto your nose.
- While holding the mask in place, secure the strap clip. Generally, the straps go above and below your ear.
- The mask should now be sealed. Check that it is not leaking by turning the machine on and feeling around the seal.
Some air will escape from the exhalation holes. This is meant to happen. Never tape over the exhalation holes.
- If air is leaking around the seal, you may need to adjust the Velcro straps to tighten the seal. The mask should be firm but not overly tight.
- If you've adjusted the Velcro straps and the mask is still leaking, take it off and follow steps 1 to 5 again.
- To take the mask off, do not undo the Velcro straps. Simply unclip the mask from the lower strap on one side only.
Fitting a nasal mask – general guide
- Place the mask over your nose, making sure the head gear straps are straight and positioned above and below your ears.
- Clip the mask into position.
- Make sure the mask is sitting comfortably with good clearance from your eyes and mouth.
- Turn the machine on and test for air leaks. You may need to adjust the Velcro straps, which should be firm but not too tight.
- If there is a leak, go through steps 1 to 4 again.
Manufacturers' websites
Information from Self-directed Learning Package for Ongoing Management of CPAP Therapy. Adapted by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed October 2022.
The information in this section comes from the following sources, some of which may be clinically complex or not available to the general public
Sleep Health Foundation. Retrieved May 2016.
Image and embedded video sources
Full-face mask illustration from Shutterstock (image ID 91051961). August 2014.
Man using a CPAP machine image from Shutterstock (image ID 632063807). October 2022.
Map showing Sleep Health Services location provided by Medical Illustrations, Canterbury DHB. April 2016
Nasal mask illustration from Shutterstock (image ID 91328885). August 2014.
Obstructive sleep apnoea image provided by Medical Illustrations, Canterbury DHB. April 2016.
Pulse oximeter on person's finger image from Shutterstock (image ID 373690753). August 2019.
Woman using a CPAP machine image provided by Medical Illustrations, Canterbury DHB. April 2016.
Page reference: 102627
Review key: HIOSA-12505