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HealthInfo Waitaha Canterbury

Breast reduction surgery

Pokanga whakawhāiti ū

Breast reduction surgery is an operation to reduce the size of very large breasts. It may be an option if your breasts are impacting your life through physical or emotional issues.

Surgery is only done once your breasts have finished developing.

Alternatives to surgery include:


Breast reduction surgery aims to help fix problems such as:

During the operation, some breast tissue, fat and skin over the breast are removed. Often, surgery reduces the darker skin around the nipple (areola) and moves the nipples higher up.

Funding for breast surgery

Publicly funded breast reduction surgery is done for medical rather than cosmetic reasons.

You will need to see your usual healthcare provider to be referred for consideration for public surgery. You may not be offered surgery if you smoke or are a very unhealthy weight.

You may choose to pay to see a private plastic surgeon.

Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed July 2024.


Page reference: 85826

Review key: HIBRR-85826