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HealthInfo Waitaha Canterbury

Binge-eating disorder group

Rōpū mate mōrurururu

The South Island Eating Disorders Service (SIEDS) offers group cognitive behavioural therapy for people with binge-eating disorder. It aims to help them to understand and change the triggers that lead to binge eating. These include beliefs about food and eating, body weight and shape.

To take part, you need to attend each week and complete homework. You will be encouraged to participate in the sessions.

Sessions take place once a week for 12 weeks. See your general practice team for more information.

Who this group is for

This group is for people who:

This group may not be appropriate if you:

If you have any of these difficulties, see your general practice team as soon as possible.

How to join or find out more

Ask your general practice team to refer you to the South Island Eating Disorders Service. If your referral is accepted, you will be offered an assessment with the group facilitators to make sure that the group is right for you. The assessment will involve a structured interview and questionnaires. You will also have an opportunity to ask any questions about the group.

Written by HealthInfo clinical advisers. Last reviewed March 2024.


Page reference: 74405

Review key: HIEDI-73561